Physics feels very wonky at times, like it's difficult to get the timing properly when climbing up slopes or difficult to find the correct platforms to jump to when I'm inside a building, but overall, it's an okay game to spend a few minutes on.
Physics feels very wonky at times, like it's difficult to get the timing properly when climbing up slopes or difficult to find the correct platforms to jump to when I'm inside a building, but overall, it's an okay game to spend a few minutes on.
I have so many questions and all of them begin with "Why the fuck"
- Why the fuck are all upgrades and money reset at every level? What is the point of making this an idle game if you don't retain anything you earn?
- Why the fuck is there no upgrade available for my attack speed? It makes clicking effectively useless other than the medals that require it.
- Why the fuck does the game exit to the upgrades menu the moment I leave to a different tab/window? The point of an idle game is so I can leave the game running while I go do other shit someplace else. Why the fuck am I forced to contain myself to this game?
- Why the fuck does this exist?
I do realize that this is the original Electric Rubber game that inspired your many sequels but that cannot justify me giving a higher score. There are so many bugs and glitches in this game that it's an absolutely pain.
First off is the mute button. Everyone has the same problem so let's not dwell on this any longer.
Second is the upgrades from the shop menu (the basket thing in the top right corner). Out of the 20 upgrades that are available there, only 11 of them are actually functional: the upgrades to capacity and rub power. The idle power and cosmetic upgrades are all broken and a waste of currency. A money trap designed to scam you.
Thirdly is the "Decrease Prices" upgrade. I have no idea how this upgrade functions due to the varying effects it has on the other upgrades. For Capacity, it only decreases the cost of the next upgrade but the one after that returns to its unaltered cost. For Idle Power, it functions exactly as I expected it to: reducing the cost by a small rate. For Rubbing Power, it either gains the same effect as Capacity, Idle Power, or it decides to reset itself to cost kilowatts instead of megawatts. This upgrade is very inconsistent and if it weren't for the Dedication medal, nobody should spend any watts on this.
Fourth and lastly, your daily reward system is busted, thus rendering your Overnight Success medal unobtainable.
This game is a nightmare to play through.
Interesting concept for an idle game. Overall, not a bad game but there are some annoyances, such as the drop mechanic where destroyed cars lowers the rate of money you make. This is just a plain annoyance more than anything and punishes you for overspending cash.
Another annoyance is the save system. Autosave is nice to have in games but I would prefer if there was an option to save immediately rather than wait for the next 2 minute mark.
There's also a glitch where if you call in a new friend, exit to the main menu before the autosave timer finishes, and log back in, you will retain the new friend and any upgrades you purchase for them before you exited but your cash remains the same as the last save point, effectively refunding your entire purchase without reducing your cash.
What? No butter? No jam? No dropping it in a bathtub?
What a ripoff.
I'll let you know if I add an update for those, sorry!
I'm not sure if this is a glitch or working as intended but there are several monsters after the Darkfire Blob that gives a significantly lower amount of XP than the Blob while having much higher HP. This completely destroys the game as it means that the most optimal strategy for growth is to stay at the Darkfire Blob for pretty much the rest of the game, thus forcing your XP growth at a constant rate. This kills the experience as there's no point to doing any further upgrades or play the game as this is the best I can do now or ever will. I look forward to reaching the 1 trillion medal a week from now.
I really wish there was a countdown or sound effect to indicate that the round has started but other than that, this is an okay typing exercise.
Pretty simple and minimalistic game. While my finger does hurt from the repetitive tapping, the short playtime does help alleviate some of the pain.
100 billion gold for the final achievement is just plain overkill, especially when the frame rate dies long before you can reach that point.
Other than that, it's an average idle game.
The entire appeal of an idle game is to sit back and let the game run in the background without needing you to be there the entire time. This game completely runs against this idea by requiring you at the screen every minute to complete and select the next level. Other idle games give players the ability to click for more numbers or provide some sort of contribution if they do spend more time on the game instead of idling but this game gives no such option.
It would have been better to have each level run continuously rather than a limit on the number of enemies to give the player more time to idle around instead of sitting by the screen with no ability to contribute.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 7/17/08